College of the Marshall Islands Student Portal

School News

Perfect Attendance Winners - First Semester
All students who had perfect attendance in the first semester earned a Pizza Palace gift certificate. Those who have perfect attendance at the end of the year will earn free passes to Wally World. Congratulations!

The students with perfect attendance for the first semester are:

Sixth Grade - Kaden Winters - Mrs. Lin
Seventh Grade - Brianna Jones - Mrs. Torres
Eighth Grade - Kayla Anderson - Mr. Hanson

Band Competition - State Finals
Congratulations to the school band for making it to the state finals! Mr. Pierre and the band will be attending the state finals in Anytown in March. The band members and parent volunteers have worked very hard and deserve our kudos. Go band!

Spelling Bee
George Washington Middle will be holding it's seventh annual spelling bee in April. Let's get the kids excited about this. We encourage you to practice spelling with your child at home. Pizza Palace has agreed to donate free pizza coupons to the winners. We hope to see you all there! Details to come.

Food Drive
The George Washington School PTA would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual food drive. We delivered over 2,000 cans of food to the Anytown Food Bank. The food bank support needy families in the community. We appreciate everyone's support!

School Safety
Please follow posted speed limits when drooping off, or picking up children. We have asked local law enforcement to patrol the area surrounding the school to help enforce drop-off and pick-up lanes, as well as posted speed limits. Please be careful!